Dolby Atmos Stem Recommendations

I realize every mixer works differently which will inform what is achievable in terms of stems, and I will gladly work with you and/or your mixer to create the best possible Atmos mix.

In general, stems should represent the sonic aesthetic, volume rides and automation, and emotional decisions made in the original mix. The Atmos mixing process is helped by having more discrete elements available for the Atmos mix, and this may require printing stems differently from what you and/or your mixer are used to. Atmos mixes also sound better when their dynamics have not been excessively limited.

Here some simple suggestions for delivering stems for an Atmos mix:

All Stems

  • Make sure all files start and end at the same time.

  • Export files at 48k / 24-bit or higher

  • Please remove any extreme brickwall limiting used for “mastering” purposes before printing stems.
    A good rule-of-thumb on processing: If you had it on while mixing(ex. bus compression), print your stems through it.
    If you added a process after the mix was complete, DO NOT print your stems through it.

Instrument Stems

  • Deliver all instrument stems processed (EQ, compression, automation, etc.)

  • For Drums(acoustic or programmed), please deliver each component separately (ex. kick, snare, toms, hi-hat, etc.).
    Please also include a stem of the full drum mix if possible.

  • Please deliver drum and instrument FX (reverbs, delays, etc.) separately.

  • Deliver leads, samples, and loops separately from other elements.

Vocal Stems

  • Please deliver vocal elements separately (ex. lead, backgrounds, adlibs)

  • Please deliver Vocal FX (reverb, delay, etc.) separately

  • Please deliver raw, tuned & edited vocals in addition to the processed vocals

Additional Required Files

A lossless stereo file of the Mastered Stereo Release MUST be included in file delivery. This will serve as a sonic reference for the Atmos mix, and ensure we match the timing/length of your stereo mix for streaming delivery requirements. Your Atmos mix may be rejected by streaming platforms and distributors if the length of the Atmos mix is different from the stereo.

We may also request an edited and consolidated un-processed multitrack of a song on some occasions.

If you ever have any questions about stems, please don’t hesitate to ask.

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